Rea the Friendly Ghost Girl

Ghost Girl Rea
2 min readMar 29, 2021

Welcome to my page! However you found your way here, I’m so very happy to have you. This is, or will be, my personal blog. All content comes straight from the brain. Thoughts, feelings, opinions, and my outlook will be posted here. My goal is never to offend anyone but only to share myself with you. I’ve never written anything like this before, but my passion is palpable. I hope these stories touch a part of you in some way.

Let’s start with the name “Ghost Girl Rea”. I am not obsessed with death or spirits. The title of this specific post is just for fun. “Ghost” more so because I feel like, or want to be, invisible in the way stereotypical ghosts tend to be. I want to be free of expectations and rules, and live as myself.

We’ve all lived through a tough time during Covid-19. Heck, it’s an ongoing experience. For me, It’s been a time of self discovery and introspection. In the hopes of becoming my “true self” away from influence and information overload, I deleted all social media during the summer of 2020. I changed my phone number and “ghosted” many of the people in my life, including some very good friends and family. I shaved my head and changed my wardrobe. Although I do feel closer to my goal, I still haven't got much of a clue what I want from my life.

This morning as I awoke, I was immediately consumed with anxiety. I've struggled with mental illness my entire life. It has consumed me periodically over the years. After college I couldn't work for almost two years. I have managed to get ahold of myself and worked very hard to be where I am now, but the struggle is still real. Just like anyone else there are good, bad, and every other kind of days. Although lately, it has been more dark than light, which is what brings me here.

With this blog I’m hoping that, by reaching outside my comfort zone I can connect with you and find kindred spirits. Ha, get it? Or maybe I can help you by sharing myself. We’re never alone, but sometimes it’s hard to feel the connection we have with others. I want to find myself, but if I can help you in any way along this journey, well that would make me immensely happy. Although I am learning how to put myself first, I’m here for more than just me.

The content I post here will be everchanging, as we all are. Some stories will be about my current emotional state as I work though it on “paper”. Others will be about my opinions on limitless subjects. Maybe I’ll work my way up to giving advice. I've been told I'm good at that. There are many amazing writers on this site, and I will work hard to earn my place here. I hope you will enjoy sharing this journey with me. Don't be a stranger, because I sure won’t. Until next time -Rea



Ghost Girl Rea

A short post about what brings me here and what's in store for the future.